"MEINE KÄMPFE" Taschenbuch:


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Is your autobiography also gonna be available in English?

A: Yes. It's currently being translated and should be available in English spring / early summer of 2012. As soon as you can purchase it, all information will be found in the merch section of this homepage. The English version will only be available as an e-book.


Q: How have you been? You broke your spine a few months ago in October 2010. Does is still cause you problems? Any chance you're gonna be back in the ring?

A: I'm okay. I did 4 months of intense physio therapy. Right now, I'd say I'm at 90%. I'll probably never be 100% again and my back still causes pain when I stand or sit for multiple hours in a row, but I was VERY lucky that I avoided a life in a wheelchair. The doctors told me over and over again how lucky I was. Am I considering a comeback? No.


Q: Why did you retire from Death Match Wrestling?

A: My body told me every morning that I have to stop doing those matches. They have taken their toll on my body and there's nothing left for me to prove. When I retired from Death Matches in April 2010, I was on top of the worldwide Death Match wrestling scene. And that's how I want to be remembered: as one of the best. Besides, I'll be done studying soon and it'll be hard to find a job if I show up with new scars every couple of weeks.


Q: How do you manage to always have the most incredible hairstyles? I mean... your hair is even cooler than Danny Havoc's! How do you do it?

A: My ex-girlfriend is a professional hairdresser. We still get along great and she still does my hair. My advice to you: if you split up, do it on good terms!


Q: What was the most painful bump you ever took?

A: I tore the ACL in my left knee completely in a Boiler Room Ladder Match (wicked match concept!) for German Stampede Wrestling in November 2007. My knee hit the guarding rail in the most devastating angle imaginable. It hurt like a motherfucker! I knew right away that I was severely injured, but still continued the match for over ten minutes. Try climbing a ladder with a torn ACL... it's not easy!


Q: What is that thing on the side of your body? A branding?

A: GOD FUCKING DAMN, why does everybody think it is a branding?! No, it is not! It is a scarification. You don't know what that is? Google it.

people's favourite follow up question: Did you do it yourself?

A: Of course... I sat down and carved myself up with a scapel for 5 hours. NOT! It was done by a tattoo artist who's specialised in the art of scarification.


Q: I got a question that's not been answered in your FAQ. What can I do?

A: Read the FAQ til the end.


Q: Hey TJ, you're a fucking emo fag! Besides, you cannot wrestle! You suck! Oh, and you didn't bleed enough in your last match! Nick Gage will kick your ass every day of the week! HE'S THE FUCKING MAN!

A: That's not even a question, but apperently you're into hairy guys. Who's the fag, huh?


Q: I live in XYZ [insert random country at the end of the world here]. Any chance you're gonna send me a signed autograph card?

A: Nope. (I'm a poor wrestler, I can't afford the shipping costs. If you want an autograph, get your ass to one of my shows. I'll sign anything you want. Well... almost anything, you pervert.)


Q: I'm a big fan of your work! I do backyard wrestling with my friends. What do you think of backyard wrestling?

A: I think that you should get proper training in a wrestling school.


Q: My girlfriend's birthday is in two weeks and I don't know what to get her! Any advice?

A: Buy her one of my posters. I'm sure she'll enjoy seeing me on the wall next to her bed every morning when she wakes up. GO TO THE MERCH SECTION OF THIS HOMEPAGE. NOW! BUY! BUY! BUY!